Friday, March 16, 2012

Time to Index the Seeds

 Ever wonder what our seed order looks like? It has grown slowly over the years and I hardly take note of the fact that what I used to do on the dining-room table, then the living-room floor, now requires a full bay of the shop. We purchase somewhere in the neighborhood of 200lbs of peas and a few more beans, about 1.5 million carrot seed, and 500 thousand beets not including the specialty varieties. But the process remains pretty much the same.
I roll up my shirt sleeves and start in once the office becomes so full of boxes that I cannot see out the window. I am being serious. I check the seed varieties and counts against our order, cross reference the pack slips, and lay everything out by type; roots, greens, transplants, etc. Then I try to organize everything into a series of coolers so that when I haul them out to the field it makes some sort of sense. Even though I have been doing this most of my adult life, every time I finish, I find myself standing there staring at a pallet of coolers full of seed. The short hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I consider the fact that we will feed so many people, and cover so much ground, with this pallet of seed; so much hope, so much faith. It is nothing short of miraculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that is what drives Farmers and others to plant. That feeling, that belief, that inside these seeds is so much... hope, expectation, satisfaction, and in the end, FOOD! Thanks for sharing your 'hair-raising moment' with us.