The crew from MDK pulled in the drive early this morning and went over the trenches for teh footing, making sure everything was up to snuff. I don't know how many of you have had the oppurtunity (?) to participate in a concrete pour, but they always generate a bit of excitement for me. For me it's like the menu on the day of a party that you have been planning for a long time. I start out by second guessing everything. Then I order more concrete. By the time the truck arrives I have convinced myself that there will not be enough. Sometime midway through the process I realize that I have definitely ordered way too much material, and when its all said and done the leftover usually fits in a wheelbarrow. Today was no exeption.
I met early with Jason, the lead man from MDK, and we decided that we would add 4 yards to the original order to compensate for the thicker footings I insisted on. Half way through the process Jason told me we could finish the remaining footings when we poured the wall because "this thing is eating concrete". When the last footing was poured the remaining concrete from the truck formed three piles each about the size of a sleeping lap dog.
Here we were able to pour concrete directly from the truck into the trenches for the eave end walls.
Not the case under the barn, where limited clearance required the use of a pumper truck. Here, Mike Steiger directs the flow of concrete from the three inch hose which is being fed from the truck about 30 feet away.
In this photo we see one of MDK's men kneeling in prayer; thankful that everything has gone so well.
And there you have it. The footings have been poured and the rebar and anchor bolts set to accommodate the forthcoming stem walls. The crew will be back tomorrow to set the forms for the walls, and on Wednesday they will pour and finish those. These guys are real pros.
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